The Asia-Pacific region has acknowledged the exceptional governance agility of Sri Lanka, as recognized by the United Nations


In the latest Human Development Report for 2024, the United Nations highlighted Sri Lanka as one of the standout nations in Asia and the Pacific in terms of governance agility. Alongside India and the Philippines, Sri Lanka demonstrated speed and efficiency in adapting to new information, unexpected events, and shifting priorities without significant disruption. The report acknowledged that the 2022 crisis initially presented an opportunity for national change, but unfortunately, it later transformed into a political crisis, leading to widespread civic unrest. However, this challenging situation provided an enabling environment for various stakeholders, regardless of their social class, religion, or political affiliations, to unite and advocate for change. The UNDP emphasized that the collective action of organized protesters, civil society, and different political groups played a crucial role in upholding democratic values and facilitating a peaceful transition to a new government. The Regional Human Development Report for Asia and the Pacific in 2024 by the UNDP revealed that these efforts instilled hope in the country, which had experienced cycles of violent unrest in the past. It also highlighted the potential for engaging multiple stakeholders and actors in crisis mitigation and recovery. The UNDP emphasized that agility in governance requires flexible structures, processes, and mindsets that can rapidly adapt to evolving situations. This includes the swift mobilization of both human and financial resources to address problems before they escalate and seize opportunities before they fade away. Additionally, the report emphasized the benefits of public participatory budgeting, which involves engaging citizens in budget decisions to foster a better understanding of trade-offs and potentially reduce sharp trade-offs.


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