Indians trapped in the tunnel face extended delays due to technical issues in the Uttarakhand tunnel collapse.


The rescue efforts to save 41 workers trapped in a tunnel in Uttarakhand state, India, have faced another setback as a drilling machine malfunctioned. The machine, which is of US origin, is being repaired in order to resume drilling through the debris and create an escape route for the workers. Officials anticipate that the drilling work will recommence on Friday. The workers have been trapped inside the tunnel for 12 days following a landslide that caused a section of the 4.5km Silkyara tunnel in the Indian Himalayas to collapse. Despite the delay, the workers have been provided with essential supplies such as oxygen, food, and water. The rescue operation had initially aimed to extricate the men by Thursday morning, but the technical glitch has caused a setback. Arnold Dix, an international tunnelling expert assisting with the rescue, stated that the drilling machine had broken down but would be repaired and operational by tomorrow. The machine is currently drilling into a 60m debris wall, which is obstructing the workers’ escape. Authorities are working to create a micro-tunnel by sending multiple pipes of varying widths through the debris, through which the workers will be transported on stretchers. However, the operation is challenging due to the presence of rocks, stones, and metal within the debris. On Wednesday, the operation was temporarily halted when workers encountered a thick metal rod that had to be cut using gas cutters. While rescuers have made progress by drilling through approximately three-quarters of the debris, the timeline for completing the remaining part remains uncertain. Ambulances are on standby outside the tunnel, ready to transport the workers to a nearby hospital as soon as they are safely rescued.


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